Thursday, September 6, 2007


Hey everyone, we have great news!! I talked to our caseworker with Tues. night and he received our completed dossier, reviewed it and everything is in order. It was sent Fedex to Vietnam that day. We are getting so close.
It was so cute. Someone came up to me the other day at church and asked "Are you expecting?" I smiled and said, "Yeap, I'm about, oh, this far along. Can you tell?" Holding out my hands at about where you would be if you were 5-6 months along. She looked very puzzled and I immediately told her that we are adopting. We both laughed and of course she was very excited for us and went on to tell me about how she loved the Vietnamese people and spent some time in missions there. Every where we turn God is putting people in our lives that, either have adopted or are adopting and have worked in or volunteered in Vietnam. We have been so blessed.

Love to all of you,

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