Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tips on Saving Money - You Can Do It

Some of you have asked us how we are doing it...saving up that mcuh money for the adoption.
Here goes...First of all we must have faith in God that he will provide and boy has he.

1.) Don't run the AC. If I can do that anyone can-Meg

2.) Make lists and only make one trip in the car to do everything that you can in one day.

3.) Make a menu and only buy what is on your menu plus a little extra just incase someone pops in.

4.) Hang your clothes to dry-even when it's cold they will dry under a fan or in front of a heater

5.) Carry cash and when it's gone, it's gone-it's amazing what you don't remember swiping on that debit card.

6.) Printer ink is expensive so if you have a child that needs to print out reports; put it on a disk and send it to school with them for the teacher to print out or go to the computer lab at the school (thanks Lynsey)

7.) Also if you have many docs. to print- go to your local library many of them will let you print up to so many pages free of charge.

8.) Check how you can save on phone bills using the internet instead of calling from a land line.

9.) Turn off your cable

10.) Stop eating out- this is a biggie

11.) COOK breakfast-cooking instead of eating all of the fast breakfast foods will go much farther and you will be surprised at how much you will save.

12.) Walk, walk, walk- we are very fortunate to live in an area where many shops ect. are close to one another so we are able to park in a central location and walk. At over $3.00 gallon for gas it is very important to save where ever possible- check tire pressure, tune up your car- all of these things will help to better your milage.

When you get to feeling like you can't do anything - Purchase yourself, your spouse, your sister whom ever needs the card; a card they are inexpensive and bring joy for longer than you would think.
That's all I can think of right off the top of my head. If I remember any more that just are too good not to post I'll add it.

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